Wong Yun-chuen has loved painting since he was a child - not even the lure of toys could distract him from his favourite hobby. He is proficient with different kinds of drawing tools, specialising particularly in ink and acrylic painting, . He hopes to express his inner thoughts as well as capture the everyday lives of ordinary people through painting.
Yun-chuen participated in many art competitions and exhibitions. One of his most well-known artworks, which took him more than six months to complete, is the scroll painting “The West coming to the East” which is based on the renowned Chinese painting “Along the River During the Ching-ming Festival”, but with a blend of Eastern and Western cultural influence. His other artworks include “Peaceful”, which was awarded the Gold Prize in “Cross All Borders: Hong Kong Festival Showcasing New Visual Artists with Disabilities 2012” (Youth Division), as well as “Pat Sin Welcoming Lion” which was awarded the Silver Prize in“Cross All Borders: Hong Kong Festival Showcasing New Visual Artists with Disabilities 2014” (Youth Division).